Remember September is Attendance Awareness Month!!

Remember September is Attendance Awareness Month, in honor of that I would encourage everyone to post the following badge to their Twitter, Facebook, or any other social media account, to remind parents and students the importance of Attendance!  

Attendance Matters!

September is Attendance Matters Month!  In honor of that my 4th and 5th grade groups are going to be doing activities about the importance of school attendance during the month of September.  The follow is a link to a video for parents about the importance of school attendance.

Sugar Cookies with the School Social Worker

I am trying something new this year in Pre-K, I am going to have parent meetings every other month to discuss any questions or concerns that Pre-K parents may have.  The first one with be on September 24th at 8:00 for the AM Parents and 12:15 for the PM Parents.  Below is the flyer we are sending home with Pre-K parents on August 20th at Pre-K Orientation.

Northside Welcome Back Video!

Check out our Welcome Back Video from Northside School!!

Welcome Back and QR Codes!

Welcome Back Fairfield District #112!  It is an exciting time this time of year.  We have had lots of changes around the district this year.  One majoy change is that we have a new principal at Northsdie, Mr. England.  I have my own office this year at Northside and I will include picture soon.  Last night was our Sneak Peak night for grades K-8 and we had lots of excited children and parents come through our doors.  I will be sending a post card home with my classroom groups at Northside in the next couple of weeks but I have also included it in this post as well.  I have made a QR code that when you scan it links directly to my blog, (which I am super pumped about)!  I am looking forward to a great school year and lots of fun!  Can't wait to see all of you tomorrow!

Resources for Students and Parents

As a school social worker resources are one item that you are asked about most. I have completed my own list of resources that I use most often as well as downloaded a couple lists that are available online for the Southern Illinois region. Hopefully this will help some parents, students, and maybe even teachers in our district.

About Mrs. Richards

Hello! My name is Beth Richards and I am the School Social Work for Fairfield Public School District #112. We are a Pre-K through 8th grade district in Fairfield, Illinois. This is my 5th year here and I absolutely love it. I have been married for 8 years to my high school sweetheart, Ty. We have 2 beautiful children, a girl and a boy. Marlee, our daughter is 6 years old and is in 1st grade. Maddix, our son just turned 2.

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